Grant FAQs

Applying for a grant

Grant FAQs

Are multi-PI applications allowed?

Multi-PI applications are allowed. However, SIR Foundation’s ability to approve a multi-PI grant will be dependent upon the applicants’ institutional policy to execute a multi-PI agreement with SIR Foundation. A contact PI must also be established and identified at the time of application submission.

Can applicants apply for more than one SIR Foundation grant?

Yes, applicants can apply for more than one grant, but not in one grant cycle. Previous SIR Foundation grant awardees are also eligible and encouraged for the Reviewer-in-training Program.

I do not have an adviser or mentor. Where can I find one?

If you are an SIR member, you can access the Mentor Match Program where you can request a mentor that matches your specific interests in IR.

Can those in an SIR or SIR Foundation leadership role apply for a grant?

The SIR Foundation is a scientific nonprofit organization that was created for the purposes of advancing scientific knowledge in the field of interventional radiology, increasing the number of skilled investigators, and developing innovative therapies that lead to improved patient care and quality of life. It is critical to SIR Foundation that those serving in appointed leadership positions avoid conflicts of interest. The decisions and actions of those in our leadership positions must be made solely for the benefit of SIR Foundation. 

  1. SIR members currently serving in a leadership position in the SIR or SIR Foundation** are not eligible to apply for or receive new grant/research funding from the SIR Foundation during the term of their tenure.
  2. A principal investigator (primary recipient or transfer recipient) of an SIR Foundation grant is not eligible to apply for or receive further SIR Foundation funding until after the completion of the existing SIR Foundation funding. Completion includes submission of a Final Report to the SIR Foundation and SIR Foundation sign off on that report. 

** defined as: Board of Directors; members of the Steering Council or Clinical Specialty Council; and chair/vice chair of an SIR/SIR Foundation committee, division or section.

Application submission

What are letters of support and letters of endorsement?

Please review the guidelines for letters of recommendation requirements. Depending on the grant mechanism and if a letter of recommendation is required, a letter of support should be submitted from the institution’s program director or department chair. Typically, if that individual is not an SIR member, an additional letter of endorsement will be required to be submitted by an individual who is an SIR member. Again, please review the guidelines to ensure what is required for letters of recommendation. 

Who is my grant administrator?

Academic institutions typically have an Office of Sponsored Programs (institutions have different names but can also include Office of Sponsored Projects, Office of Sponsored Research or another title indicating grants management). Once you identify the appropriate grants administrator, please secure their contact information, which you will need for your application. Then inform them that you will be applying for an SIR Foundation grant. If your institution does not have a grant administrator, please contact SIR Foundation’s research and grants team at

I have a change in my application after submitting. Can I go back and edit my application?

Once you select the final submit button or the deadline has passed, the application is final and you will not be able to go back to your application to edit.

Post-submission and awarding

Can I resubmit my application after receiving reviewer comments? What is the deadline for resubmission?

If your application was denied funding during the review process but you wish to resubmit your application after addressing the reviewers’ concerns, you can do so in preparation for the next grant cycle. You must submit a proposal development form in order for your application to be eligible. However, funding for resubmission of a previously reviewed application is not guaranteed. 

What happens if the PI transfers institutions?

For a transfer of institution, the PI will need to obtain prior approval from SIR Foundation by contacting SIR Foundation at Please refer to your specific guidelines. However, generally speaking, the PI should work with both the original and new institution grant office to submit an official notice and request to SIR Foundation indicating the following:

  • The institution to which the PI will be transferring
  • A statement indicating whether the overall research plans or aims have changed from the original submission. If so, indicate the impact of any proposed changes in the scope of the project
  • Budget—the amount of non-disbursed funds remaining
  • Desired new project period dates
  • Facilities and resources at the new organization/institution that will allow for the successful performance of the project
  • If the project includes any human subjects, animal subjects, radioisotopes or use of biohazards, proper documentation from the new institution must be submitted to SIR Foundation (e.g., IRB approval, IACUC approval or institutional review committee)
  • Additionally, a new agreement will have to be signed by the new institution and the original institution should send SIR Foundation a relinquishing statement
What happens if the PI resigns in the middle of their grant and wants to nominate a new PI?

For a change in PI, the institutional grant/business official and PI will have to email an official letter to SIR Foundation Research and Grants team at for prior approval. The letter from the institutional office should indicate the following:

  • A statement endorsing the new PI 
  • Confirmation from the original PI 
  • The current funds used and remaining 

The letter from the current PI should indicate the following:

  • Any proposed changes in scope or specific aims
  • A biographical sketch (in NIH format) for the new PI
  • The new PI’s qualifications and if they have had any previous involvement in the current grant
  • Any budget changes due to the proposed change
How do I request a no-cost extension?

Under special circumstances, recipients may be permitted to extend the project period, but please review the specific guidelines for the maximum allowable extension. If no additional funds are required to complete the project, the PI and grants administrator should submit a formal request. If you received a grant from 2020 and beyond you will submit your formal request in your Survey Monkey Apply account. If you are requesting a no-cost extension for a grant from 2019 or older you will need to email In the email you will need to provide the following information for a no-cost extension: the number of months needed, a justification for why an extension is requested and a brief progress report, including to-date findings and problems encountered.

Clinical research FAQs

What are SIR Foundation's research priorities?

Every year in March, SIR Foundation announces a list of our top research priorities. To access the current research priorities, please visit the research priorities page.

How do I submit a research or registry idea?

Physicians who are interested in starting a registry or a research trial should complete a letter of intent. For more information, please visit the culture of research letter of intent process page.

How do I request access to the UFS-QOL?

SIR Foundation has partnered with MAPI Research Trust, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving patient quality of life by facilitating access to patient-centered outcomes. MAPI Research Trust is now responsible for the distribution of the UFS-QOL. This partnership will improve the process of requesting this questionnaire. With this partnership, the UFS-QOL is protected worldwide by international copyright laws in all languages, with all rights reserved to the Society of International Radiology (SIR) Foundation, USA. Do not use without permission. For permission to use the UFS-QOL in a study please contact the Mapi Research Trust.