
The Gold Medal is the highest honor bestowed by the Society of Interventional Radiology.

The SIR Gold Medal was established in 1996 and is the highest honor that can be achieved in the field of interventional radiology. This honor is bestowed for excellence and lifetime achievement in interventional radiology to those individuals who have rendered exceptional service to the field. Gold Medal recipients exemplify those individuals who have dedicated their past and present talents to advancing the quality of patient care through the practice of interventional radiology, and who, by their outstanding achievements, also help to ensure the future of the field.


The SIR Gold Medal Awards Committee selects the medalists. The committee's recommendation(s) are sent to the SIR Board of Directors for approval. Immediately following approval, the SIR president calls the honorees to announce that they have been chosen.

Gold Medal Committee ChargeThe Gold Medal Awards Committee shall consist of the president as chair, immediate past president, president-elect and chair of the Fellows' Affairs Committee. The president may appoint two additional at-large individuals.

The committee will consider all candidates nominated by members and fellows of SIR. The committee may also submit internal nominations. The committee will submit not more than three names for endorsement to the Board of Directors.

Nominations received in previous years are reactivated the following year unless withdrawn by the nominator. Members of the SIR Board of Directors and the chair of the Fellows' Affairs Committee may not act as primary nominators or sponsors and are ineligible to be nominated for—or to receive—the Gold Medal during their term of office.


How to submit a nominationNomination submissions should describe the nominee's qualifications for the award and should include a detailed curriculum vitae. The primary nominator is responsible for initiating the submission of at least two letters of support from other SIR members.

SIR Gold Medal Nomination timeline

  • May 31: Deadline for nomination applications
  • Summer: Convene committee
  • August: First committee conference call
  • September 1: Nominees selected
  • September: Board of Directors vote completed
  • September 15: Nominees informed
  • October 31: Write-ups for Annual Scientific Meeting completed

Nominations should be emailed to nominations@sirweb.org.

Past recipients

2024: Fred T. Lee, Jr., MD; Albert A. Nemcek Jr., MD, FSIR; Bien Soo Tan, MD, FSIR

2023: Curtis W. Bakal, MD, MPH, FSIR; James G. Caridi, MD, FSIR; Ziv J Haskal, MD, FSIR

2022: Janette D. Durham, MD, FSIR; M. Victoria Marx, MD, FSIR; Scott O. Trerotola, MD, FSIR

2021: David Sacks, MD, FSIR; Michael D. Darcy, MD, FSIR; Richard B. Towbin, MD, FSIR

2020: James F. Benenati, MD, FSIR; Michael C. Soulen, MD, FSIR; David M. Williams, MD, FSIR

2019: Alan H. Matsumoto, MD, FSIR, Daniel Picus, MD, FSIR, James N. Spies, MD, FSIR

2018: John A. Kaufman, MD, FSIR, Renate L. Soulen, MD, FSIR, Karim Valji, MD, FSIR

2017: Katharine L. Krol, MD, FSIR, Jeanne M. LaBerge, MD, FSIR, Gao-Jun Teng, MD, FSIR

2016: Ernest J. Ferris, MD, FSIR, Ho-Young Song, MD, FSIR, Robert L. Vogelzang, MD, FSIR

2015: Harvey L. Neiman, M.D., FSIR; Anne C. Roberts, M.D., FSIR; and Johannes Lammer, M.D., FSIR

2014: Michael D. Dake, M.D., FSIR; Matthew A. Mauro, M.D., FSIR; and Lenny K. Tan, M.D., FSIR

2013: Wilfrido R. Castañeda-Zuniga, M.D., FSIR; David A. Kumpe, M.D., FSIR and Kenneth R. Thomson, M.D., FSIR

2012: Kyung J. Cho, MD, FSIR; Dimitrios Kelekis, MD, PhD, FSIR; Louis G. Martin, MD, FSIR

2011: Andrew B. Crummy, MD, FSIR; Gordon K. McLean, MD, FSIR; Peter B. Lauer, CAE

2010: John D. Fulco, MD, FSIR; Irvin F. Hawkins, MD, FSIR; David C. Levin, MD, FSIR

2009: Andreas Adam, MB, BS, FSIR, FRCR; Vincent P. Chuang, MD, FSIR; Thomas A. Sos, MD, FSIR

2008: Gary J. Becker, MD; Mark H. Wholey, MD; Gary S. Dorfman, MD

2007: Rolf W. Gunther, MD; Eugene Klatte, MD; Julio Palmaz, MD

2006: Plinio Rossi, MD, FSIR: Harold Mitty, MD, FSIR; Eric Martin, MD, FSIR

2005: Frederick Keller, MD, FSIR; John Abele

2004: Stewart Reuter, MD, JD, FSIR; Franklin J. Miller, MD, FSIR

2003: Arthur Waltman, MD, FSIR; Sidney Wallace, MD, FSIR

2002: Barry T. Katzen, MD, FSIR; Joseph J. Bookstein, MD, FSIR

2001: William J. Casarella, MD, FSIR; Ernest J. Ring, MD, FSIR

2000: Helen Redman, MD; Herbert L. Abrams, MD, FSIR; Robert I. White Jr., MD, FSIR

1999: Constantin Cope, MD, FSIR; William Cook

1998: Stanley Baum, MD, FSIR; Anders M. Lunderquist, MD, FSIR

1997: John L. Doppman, MD; Josef Rosch, MD, FSIR

1996: Kurt Amplatz, MD, FSIR; Cesare Gianturco, MD